package Dat; use base Bbs; use strict; sub make { my $t = $_[0]->from('time'); my $dat = $_[0]->path('dat') . $t.'.dat'; return if -e $dat; local $, = $_[0]->conf('delimiter'); local $\ = "\n"; open( FH, ">$dat" ) || return; flock FH, 2; print FH $_[0]->from('name'), $_[0]->from('mail'), $_[0]->from('date'), ' '.$_[0]->from('message'), $_[0]->from('subject'); truncate FH, tell FH; close FH; $_[0]->counter('dat_line'=>1); $_[0]; } sub read { my $dat = $_[1] || $_[0]->path('dat') . $_[0]->from('key').'.dat'; my @l; open( FH, "<$dat" ) || return; flock FH, 2; chomp, $l[$.-1] = $_ while ; close FH; $_[0]->list( 'dat' => \@l ); \@l; } sub write { my $key = $_[0]->from('key'); my $bbs = $_[0]->from('bbs'); my $dat_file = $_[1] || $_[0]->path('dat') . $key.'.dat'; my $tmp_file = $_[2] || $_[0]->path('html') . $key.'.html'; my $limit = $_[0]->conf('limit_dat_line'); my $contents = $_[0]->setting('CONTENTS_NUMBER'); my $delimiter = $_[0]->conf('delimiter'); my $count = 0; local $, = $delimiter; local $\ = "\n"; open( FH, "+<$dat_file" ) || return; flock FH, 2; binmode FH; $count += tr/\n// while CORE::read FH, $_, 5120; $_[0]->flag('error'=>2, 'limit_dat_line'=>1), close(FH), return if $count > $limit; seek FH, 0, 2; print FH $_[0]->from('name'), $_[0]->from('mail'), $_[0]->from('date'), ' '.$_[0]->from('message'), ''; $count++; $_[0]->counter('dat_line'=>$count); if ( $count >= $limit ) { $count++; $_[0]->counter('dat_line'=>$count); print FH ($_[0]->conf('limit_thread_name') || $count), '', $_[0]->conf('limit_thread_datetime'), ' '.$_[0]->conf('limit_thread_message'), ''; } seek FH, 0, 0; $\ = ''; $, = ''; my @res; #1行目と最後からCONTENTS_NUMBER行が入る my @lines; my $bufsize = 1024; my $size = (-s FH) / $bufsize; my $pos; $pos += $size <=> ($pos = int($size)); my $tmp; my $buf; #1行目を読み出す my $first = readline *FH; #seek FH, 0, 2; #end of 1行目を読み出す #最後からCONTENTS_NUMBER行を読み出す 参考:Perlメモ while ($pos--) { seek FH, $bufsize * $pos, 0; CORE::read FH, $buf, $bufsize; $buf .= $tmp; ($tmp, @lines) = $buf =~ /[^\x0D\x0A]*\x0D?\x0A?/g; pop @lines; unshift @res, @lines; last if @res >= $contents; } unshift @res, $tmp; @res = @res[-$contents .. -1] if @res > $contents; #end of 最後からCONTENTS_NUMBER行を読み出す 参考:Perlメモ unshift(@res, $first) if $count > $contents; $_[0]->Dat::_write_temp($tmp_file, \@res, $count); seek FH, 0, 2; truncate FH, tell FH; close FH; #flock解除 #limit_dat_line以上の場合はスレストのパーミッション(パーミッションを落とす)にして書き込めなくする chmod($_[0]->permission('stopper'), $dat_file) if ($count-1) >= $limit; $_[0]; } sub _write_temp { my $s = shift; my $tmp_file = $_[0]; my $res = $_[1]; my $count = $_[2]; my $bbs = $s->from('bbs'); my $key = $s->from('key'); my $script = $s->path('script').'read.cgi'; my $line_number = $s->conf('limit_line_number')-1; my $delimiter = $s->conf('delimiter'); my $br = $s->conf('line_break'); my @msg; my @tmp; my @st = $count > $s->setting('CONTENTS_NUMBER') ? ((($count-($s->setting('CONTENTS_NUMBER')))+1)..$count) : (2..$count) ; my @res_number = ( 1, @st ); my $i = 0; local $\ = "\n"; return unless open TMP, ">$tmp_file"; foreach( @{$res} ) { chomp; @tmp = split $delimiter; @tmp = ('[ここ壊れてます]', '', '[ここ壊れてます]', '[ここ壊れてます]') if $tmp[3] eq '' || ($tmp[4] eq '' && $i == 0); if($i==0) { print TMP qq(
\n); } $s->replace_urianchor(\$tmp[3]); @msg = split $br, $tmp[3]; if( $#msg > $line_number ) { my $href = "$script/$bbs/$key/$res_number[$i]".'n'; $tmp[3] = join $br, (@msg[0..$line_number],qq((省\略\されました・・すべて読む?)); } if (length $tmp[1] == 0) { print TMP qq(
$res_number[$i] 名前:$tmp[0] 投稿日:$tmp[2]
); } else { print TMP qq(
$res_number[$i] 名前:$tmp[0] 投稿日:$tmp[2]
); } $i++; } print TMP qq(\n
\n); truncate TMP, tell TMP; close TMP; $s; } =old_write sub write { my $key = $_[0]->from('key'); my $bbs = $_[0]->from('bbs'); my $dat = $_[1] || $_[0]->path('dat') . $key.'.dat'; my $tmp = $_[2] || $_[0]->path('html') . $key.'.html'; my $limit = $_[0]->conf('limit_dat_line'); my $contents = $_[0]->setting('CONTENTS_NUMBER'); my $delimiter = $_[0]->conf('delimiter'); my $count = 0; local $, = $delimiter; local $\ = "\n"; open( FH, "+<$dat" ) || return; flock FH, 2; $count += tr/\n// while sysread FH, $_, 5120; $_[0]->flag('error'=>2, 'limit_dat_line'=>1), close(FH), return if $count > $limit; seek FH, 0, 2; if ( $count >= $limit ) { print FH ($_[0]->conf('limit_thread_name') || $count),'',$_[0]->conf('limit_thread_datetime'),' '.$_[0]->conf('limit_thread_message'); } else { print FH $_[0]->from('name'), $_[0]->from('mail'), $_[0]->from('date'), ' '.$_[0]->from('message'), ''; } $count++; $_[0]->counter('dat_line'=>$count); seek FH, 0, 0; open TMP, ">$tmp"; my @s; my @msg; my $br = $_[0]->conf('line_break'); my $line_number = $_[0]->conf('limit_line_number')-1; my $script = $_[0]->path('script').'read.cgi'; my $st = 0; my $i = 1; my $line; local $\ = ''; while($line=){ chomp; if ( $i == 1 || $i > ( $count - $contents ) ){ @s = split $delimiter, $line; @s = qw([ここ壊れてます] [ここ壊れてます] [ここ壊れてます] [ここ壊れてます]) if $s[3] eq '' || ($s[4] eq '' && $i == 1); if($i==1){ print TMP qq(
\n); } else { $_[0]->replace_urianchor(\$s[3]); @msg = split $br, $s[3]; if( $#msg > $line_number ){ $s[3] = ''; my $tmp = "$script/$bbs/$key/$i".'n'; $s[3] = join $br, (@msg[0..$line_number],qq((省\略\されました・・すべて読む?)); } } if (length $s[1] == 0) { print TMP qq(
$i 名前:$s[0] 投稿日:$s[2]
); } else { print TMP qq(
$i 名前:$s[0] 投稿日:$s[2]
); } } $i++; } print TMP qq(\n
\n); truncate TMP, tell TMP; close TMP; truncate FH, tell FH; close FH; chmod($_[0]->permission('stopper'), $dat) if ($count-1) >= $limit; $_[0]; } =cut 1; __END__